Happy Children's Day 2024!


Reaktor players held a sports festival for kids in honor of Children's Day.

Having interrupted their vacation, Reaktor players Igor Borodinov, Ilya Slepkov and Kirill Stolyarov held a sports festival for kids from kindergarten No. 75. The event was dedicated to Children's Day.

The children were divided into three teams, and the Reaktor captains suggested how to complete tasks in a right way, encouraged and supported the team spirit!

The sports and intellectual relay race immersed the children in the hockey theme - they learned to dribble a ball with a stick, fold a cracker, collect pucks, correctly write the name of our club “Neftekhimik” and assemble the word “Reaktor” from letters. The little relay participants were delighted with the opportunity to take part in such an interesting and active event.

Igor Borodinov, Reaktor forward:
– I really liked it, the children are happy - that is the most important thing!

Kirill Stolyarov, Reaktor forward:
– We liked everything, the children were entertained, we also had a good time.

After the outdoor games, the hockey players and children all had lunch together in the kindergarten - they said it was very tasty!

Lyubov Ergert, the head of kindergarten No. 75:
– Many thanks to the Reaktor team and the Neftekhimik hockey club for making our students so happy today. Meeting hockey players is so interesting. I think they will have something to tell their parents today.

The youth team players promised to return here again and hold even more interesting events. The children promised to cheer for Reaktor in the stands with their parents.

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