Q&A with Berezin family
Q&A with Berezin family.
– If Maxim were not a hockey player, who would he become?Maxim: A football player (laughs).
Adelya: An IT-specialist (laughs).
– How jealous are you?
Maxim: There were no reasons for this. Still, if you take it on a 10-point sclae, then the scale of 5 suits me.
Adelya: Not at all.
– What will you never forgive?
Maxim: Deception, betrayal.
Adelya: Lies.
– What do you appreciate the most?
Maxim: Honesty. You should try to say what you think. Not to think one thing and say another.
Adelya: Devotion.
– What is the most important thing in a family?
Maxim: Trust.
Adelya: Trust.
– Favorite number?
Maxim: 5.
Adelya: 5.
–Is hockey more of a physical or mental game?
Maxim: Physical.
Adelya: Both.
– What is your favorite city?
Maxim: Nizhnekamsk.
Adelya: Nizhnekamsk.
– Favorite fairytale character?
Maxim: There plenty of them. Perhaps, superheroes.
Adelya: Gray wolf.
– What would you take with you to a desert island?
Maxim: My Wife, my children and two hockey sticks. At least, it is will not be boring there.
Adelya: Matches and water.
– What is your favorite color?
Maxim: Black and red.
Adelya: Blue.
– What is your favorite food?
Maxim: Manti, dumplings.
Adelya: I am an omnivore.
– What is your favorite movie?
Maxim: "The reverse side."
Adelya: "Legend number 17."
– What was your favorite subject in school?
Maxim: Mathematics.
Adelya: Chemistry
– What is your favorite season?
Maxim: Summer.
Adelya: Autumn.
– If you met Hottabych* what would you wish for? *(rus.ver. of Genie)
Maxim: To win the Gagarin Cup and play with my son in the same team for a season. We now have a new General Sponsor - SIBUR, and I hope the day will come when the Gagarin Cup will turn from a dream into reality. Then we will not need Hottabych.
Adelya: Gagarin Cup.
– Are you a fan of jokes?
Maxim: Perhaps, no. I cannot tell a single anecdote. I just do not remember them.
Adelya: Not really, I cannot tell any anecdote right off the bat.
– What is the most important event in your life for now?
Maxim: The day I met my wife.
Adelya: Having children.
– What is your favorite book?
Maxim: To be honest, I am not a fan of reading. Even if I read, I prefer cognitive literature. The last book I read was Sports athlete’s physiology book. I prefer to watch films.
Adelya: For now, it is fairy tales, «Beauty and the Beast» and «Cipollino».
– What do you like to do while travelling?
Maxim: I like play computer games.
– Do you collect anything?
Maxim: Son's medals.
– Do you keep your medals?
Maxim: Of course. The gold of the 2011 World Championship among youth teams and the silver medal of the Russian Championship.
Adelya: At home, we have a collection of hockey souvenirs from those clubs where Maxim played.
– Do you guys want to have three children?
Maxim: No, we do not (laughs). Two is enough for now. As it says, never say never. Anything can happen...
Adelya: It seems to me that for now we have enough children (laughs).